Welcome to the Sanchez Family. We are a God loving, church going, unconditional loving, Army family of three wild and crazy boys and one 100 pound english bulldog, taking it one day at a time. I'm the mom, the only girl in the house, and the Queen. Hang on tight, it's sure to be a wild ride!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

I think I might have a problem......

I am addicted to blogs.  Mostly blogs about Christian women trying to raise a family and follow God.  Most of these women have adopted, maybe this is a sign?  Don't tell my husband I just "typed" that out loud!  I am always trying to grow in my walk with the Lord and raise God loving boys.  I like that these women are real, that they struggle too, but they always rely on the Lord.  I am learning new things and strengthening my faith my reading.

Today I was reading here about this "I am beautiful" campaign and I LOVE the concept.  I am not a mom of girls as you know but I think the concept of positive self image is important in both girls and boys.  I got to snooping reading over here about what she is doing to try and start this campaign around the world.  I am excited, I think I will take some pictures tomorrow to post on her photo site.  I have a hard time thinking that I am beautiful, especially after 3 kids.  But you know what, I am wonderfully made and God don't make ugly!!  So anyone care to join me?

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I think I will make this the Family edition of WILW!!

1. First I am loving these boys!  I am so thankful God chose me to be their mommy!

2. I am loving my sister.  She just had a birthday and I am sad I was not there to celebrate with her.  She keeps me sane out here in CA and is the best phone person on the planet.  We seriously talk all day on the phone, it keeps me connected to those beautiful babies on the east coast!

3. I am loving that a friend got this little boy into a great preschool and that he loves it!!

4. I am loving that all of my friends and family are going to donate to this cause for Zachary's best friend!

5. Last I am loving that my dad got this boy LAKER tickets and he does not know!  He is going to be so excited when his daddy pulls up to the Staples Center next week!

He even has Lakers shoes!
What are you loving today?!

I still need your help!

A few days ago I posted about Zachary's best friend.  You can read my post here.  I am still in need of donations please!  If you feel the call to donate the donation button at the bottom of the page does not work, please us the one on the right of the page.  My goal is $500 but I would love to blow that out of the water!

I am sure anyone of you reading this has a best friend.  One you can call on no matter what you need and you know that person will be there for you.  Joesph is that person for my Zachary and I am begging you to please help us find a cure and fight this disease for Joesph.  I want Zachary to have Joesph as a best friend forever, for always and  no matter what.  Please feel free to pass this story along to all your friends.  Send them to my page and ask them please to make a donation!! 

Monday, March 28, 2011

Isaiah's first day of preschool!

Hard to believe that this little baby......
has turned into this big boy.....
and started preschool today!!

He has a great day and didn't shed the first tear.  His daddy took the day off to be able to take him and pick him up on his first day!

He walked right in and started playing with the toys and never looked back.

After we picked him up we took him to lunch at.......Taco Bell!  Yuck, but his choice! 

He can't wait for Wednesday! 

A house divided! Thanks to Grandpa!

So most of you know I am a HUGE University of Louisville Cardinal fan!  I can not stand the KY Wildcats and thought I was doing a great job of making my sure my children understood the correct team to cheer for.  Well Isaiah thinks my dad, Grandpa, hung the moon.  He is a KY fan.  So now Isaiah asks to wear "grandpa's shirt" almost every day.  Makes me crazy!  Noah on the other hand asks to wear "cardinals" everyday!  I am at least winning on one of them!  So the other day they happened to be dressed like this.  I didn't have to ask twice to get them to pose for the last picture!

Zachary has turned more into a Lakers, Dodgers fan since we moved but he will say he likes both the Cardinals and the Wildcats so he doesn't hurt anyones feelings!

This is what we do for fun......

So I am sure you are dying to know what we do for fun on a Sunday afternoon, after church with a house full of wild and crazy boys.  Well wonder no more, here are the pictures!

Z just happened to take this picture at just the right time when Isaiah was flipping on me!  I love being a mom to boys!

Apparently daddy behind was not smelling too nice, so Isaiah is spraying him with Febreeze!

I am not sure if you can see Z's face, he couldn't stop laughing long enough for Daddy to lift him up! 

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Mommy's helper

Oh how I love this chunky monkey!!  He loves to help mommy around the house, hard to beleive he is turning 2 soon.

Friday, March 25, 2011

My wonderful, amazing, loving, world's best husband

As my husband nosed, read my blog today he said, "you don't even mention me in here".  He's right.  I am so caught up with the kids that I forget to mention the love of my life.  So here is a post about him.  I know when I leave this up and he reads it later he will be happy and that's all that matters!

So with out further ado.......let me tell you what an amazing, awesome, sexy, loving, Jesus following, man I married!!  I am so blessed!  I love you dear!

Yet another sign from above

I was reading some blogs this morning and over at Happy Mom=Happy Family I read this post from her:

We should be careful not to exhaust our available time on things that are merely good and leave little time for that which is better or best. We have to forgo some good things in order to choose others that are better or best because they develop faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and strengthen our families.

This is just another affirmation that giving up some things and focusing on my family is what the Lord wants me to do now.  There are times that I think maybe I could still be involved in .......insert any number of things......but this just reassures me that I am doing the right thing. 

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Please help me fight this!

This is Joesph, Zachary's best friend!

While they couldn't look more different than each other they are more alike than I can tell you.  They love doing things together.  From selling candy for school at the Race for the Cure,

to hanging out at Disneyland for Z's birthday,

they truly are the best of friends.  What you can not tell by looking at the pictures is that Joe has NF.  Here is what his mom has to say about Joe:

Joseph is an awesome 9 year old little man, with a caring heart and playful personality. He was first diagnosed unofficially with NF-1 by 6 months old because of the amount of cafe au laits he had, but was medically diagnosed by a geneticist at 3 after discovering a neurofibroma on his shoulder and finding several tumors via MRI internally. He is so brave and although none of us know what his future will hold, he is so optimistic and knows that with God all things are possible...Please join us in our walk and to raise money to find a cure!

We are walking to raise money to find a cure for NF on May 14th here in Los Angeles.  I am begging you to please donate to this cause and support my fundraising for this.  I know that most of you reading this do not even know Joe but you do know Zachary and he would be so thankful to you for donating to help save his best friends life.  He just went back for a MRI and they found more tumors on his spine and now we, and I say we because I love this little boy and his momma so much, are waiting to see what the surgeon says on what to do next.  Please, please donate so that one day there will be a cure for NF and Joe can live a normal life and grow up and have babies and hang out with Z for MANY years to come. 

  Here is the link to my fundraising page, we are all walking; Cesar, me, Zachary, Isaiah and Noah to raise money for this new cause that has become so important to us in such a short time.  I will continue to hound you for money for the next two months so please donate!!

Monday, March 21, 2011

March in Pictures!