Noah Edward was born April 18th at 5:17am weighing 7 pounds and 2 ounces and he was 19 inches long. He was one day away from his due date. He was born at Loma Linda Medical Center in Loma Linda CA. I had been to the hospital earlier in the day with what I thought was fluid leakage and some contractions but they sent me home at around 7 saying that I was not in active labor. Cesar and I went to get the boys at his mother's house and ended up staying for dinner. Papa made quesadillas and beans and they were great! We went home, put the boys to bed and then the contractions really started! At around 9:30 I thought I couldn't take it anymore but I did not want to be the mother they sent home twice in one day, especially with her 3rd child! So I waited it out as long as I could. I woke Cesar up at 12:00 and we called his mom and headed to the hospital. On the way we ran into traffic, only in CA at midnight would you run into traffic. The hospital is only 25 minutes away and the contractions were horrible! I have no tolerance for pain and it was bad! We got to the hospital and finally got the epidural, it was heaven! I took a little nap and then at 5 am the doctor came in to check me and I was at 10. She asked me if I wanted her to break my water or wait, I said break it! She broke my water at 5:09 and two pushes later Noah was born at 5:17! It was the easiest labor of all three!
We went home Sunday evening and have been busy getting the house together ever since. He is a wonderful baby, only getting up twice at night. Zachary is a great big brother and Isaiah is adjusting better then I thought he would. He loves him, sometimes a little too much! I love being a mom to these boys and it is a great feeling to know my family is complete. I will be posting lots of pictures soon. Here are the ones from the hospital and the first few days at home!
How We Stage and Sell Our Homes
11 years ago
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