I can not take any more snow days!! We are now going to school until the 28th of May, instead of our normal last day of the 19th! Zachary is bored out of his mind staying at home and was sooooo glad to get back to school today. He had spring pictures today, how funny is that! I hope the snow is long gone from here for the rest of the winter! He made a spider hat at school and would like for me to show everyone. Isaiah went to the doctor yesterday and they said that he had a virus. It might take 7 to 10 days to get over it. I am running out of clothes! My washer is working overtime. On a positive note, we are going to a place called Incredible Dave's tomorrow night with the family. I have never been, I think it's like a Dave and Buster's. We have those out in California, kinda like a Chuck E Cheese for kids and grown ups. I will post some pictures and what it was like Saturday. I am also going over to my sister's Saturday so I will help her get her blog going a lot better!
How We Stage and Sell Our Homes
11 years ago