My favorite sport to watch hands down is NFL football! I live for MNF and ESPN for those months.
My favorite sport to watch my babies! Something about seeing them hit that ball and run for first makes my heart burst with pride. I think it might have something to do with my family. They are a baseball family for sure! My granddaddy loved the Cincinnati Reds, Shelbyville American Legion and any team his grandchildren or great-grandchildren played for. My gran still does! I know if the Reds are on it's not too late to call, she will still be up cheering them on! My dad and Uncle Mark played enough baseball to last a lifetime, my brother in law played, my cousins played, the list goes on and on. I can not watch a game on tv, or see my babies playing that I do not think of my granddaddy. I know he is up in Heaven with his chair on the fence watching Z play and now Isaiah. It makes me so happy to see my boys carrying on a tradition that meant so much to him. He was smiling tonight for sure.
Daddy couldn't be here for this first practice, his Army job needs him more than us right now. That's ok, we will survive, although we miss him like crazy. When I talked to him this afternoon he asked me if I was going to take pictures?! Really, who did he think he was talking too?! I am the queen of pictures, I would NEVER let something like this happen with out documenting every stage of the game! So yes, I took 72 pictures of a 1 hour practice. Don't worry, I will not make you look at every single one! Just the highlights, enjoy.