Welcome to the Sanchez Family. We are a God loving, church going, unconditional loving, Army family of three wild and crazy boys and one 100 pound english bulldog, taking it one day at a time. I'm the mom, the only girl in the house, and the Queen. Hang on tight, it's sure to be a wild ride!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Birthday Pictures

Happy 8th Birthday Zachary!

It's hard to believe that my little boy turned 8 on the 16th of March! It seems like not that long ago when it was just me and him living in our first house in Shelbyville, learning how to be a family. So much has changed since then. He now has two little brothers and a daddy. We live all the way in California now too. He is the most amazing 8 year old I know. He is super smart, smarter than me that's for sure and he loves school. His test scores are super high and he tested for the Gifted and Talented Program at his school for next year. Math comes super easy for him, I think he gets that from my dad. He loves his brothers and helps out so much. There is no way I could do it with out him. He loves to play baseball and is a great hitter. He is getting into sports now. He is starting to understand the games and the statistics and is a great play by play announcer. Unless it's a tight game and then it's quite aggravating! :) He is a U of L fan, but also a KY fan too. I think he does that to drive my nuts. He loves the Dallas Cowboys and the Philadelphia Eagles for NFL, the Lakers are his team in the NBA and he bleeds Dodger blue for sure! He is polite and I am always getting compliments on his behavior, it makes me and his daddy really proud. It has been an amazing 8 years and I look forward to seeing what he accomplishes in the future!

Opening day Baseball 2010

Play Ball!!

Zachary has started baseball again and boy are we busy!  There is practice at least twice a week and two games a week too.  I am worn out with being at the ball park!  I have to admit, I love baseball.  It reminds me of my granddaddy and I love just about anything that reminds me of him!  I can remember spending lots of summer night at the park with my grandparents watching American Legion games and loving every minute of it.  I can't help but think of how Granddaddy would love watching Z play.  Opening day here in CA is amazing.  I have never seen anything like it for youth baseball.  They named the park after an older man who they called a "friend to baseball".  I started crying listening to this, all I could think of was granddaddy.  They have an opening pitch, a parade of all the teams with their banners and flags, it is a sight to see.  Zachary's team this year is the Padres.  Of course I have outfitted us all in Padres gear, pretty easy here in CA!  We all load up and go to the park 4 nights a week.  Cesar, as busy as he is, hasn't missed a game yet.  He is such a great daddy!!  Here are some pictures of Zachary's opening day and some games and practices.  He also got the game ball on his birthday!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Isaiah in mascara

Isaiah's March antics!

If you have read this blog before you know that Isaiah is a wild one to say the least.  Now that I am not nursing I thought that it would be easier to control him a little bit better, WRONG!  Now my issues come when I am putting Noah down for a nap.  I put Isaiah on my bed while I went to give Noah his bottle and put him down for a nap.  I was gone for a total of 10 minutes.  Well when I came back into my bed room I saw a huge wet spot on my bed and Isaiah nowhere in sight.  When I found him he was in my makeup and covered in mascara!  The wet spot on my bed was a water bottle that he dumped out!  Here are the pictures that I took to capture the moment.

The past 6 months in pictures!

A quick overview of the last 6 months, or as much as I can remember!

Wow, it's been really busy here in the Sanchez house the last few months. These boys sure know how to keep a mommy busy! I am loving life with them, and trying to enjoying the little things. Noah is getting so big, he will turn one next month. Where did the year go? It seems like yesterday I was bringing him home and now he is walking everywhere and getting into everything. Isaiah is a mess! He is still into everything and nothing phases him. He could care less about time out and spanking just makes him laugh. He will be the death of me, I am sure. Zachary just started baseball and is on the Padres team and is loving it. He is super smart and got all O's on his last report card. Since I blogged last Zachary had a birthday and turned 8, we had a visit to KY and celebrated our first Christmas in California. I will post a few of my favorite pictures for you to see!

I hope to start being consistant in the blogging, I have a lot goin on with these boys and I am sure you will want to read all about it!

I'm Back!!

Wow, the life of a mom with three busy boys leaves little time for blogging! Well that an now a new obssession with facebook! :) I am missing so much by not sharing all the crazy things that my boys do so I have made a decision to start blogging again. My boys, especially my middle one, do such great funny things that I want the world, well ok the 3 people that read my blog, to know about it! So look for weekly posts, if not more depending on Isaiah's new tricks! The first update will come at nap time today so check back for a recap of the last 6 months!