Welcome to the Sanchez Family. We are a God loving, church going, unconditional loving, Army family of three wild and crazy boys and one 100 pound english bulldog, taking it one day at a time. I'm the mom, the only girl in the house, and the Queen. Hang on tight, it's sure to be a wild ride!

Friday, January 30, 2009

I won again!!

I must admit, I am addicted to blog givaways! I have 3 great blog buttons on my sidebar of blogs that have great child related giveaways. I enter all of them. Right before Christmas I won a gift certificate to a great little etsy shop and got Isaiah a cute little Christmas shirt. I am ordering the boys big brother/little brother shirts from her also!

Well this morning when I opened my email, I had won again! I won a $40 gift certificate to a place called Bubblecakes! They have all sorts of personalized blankets for babies. I am so excitied, I am getting the sock monkey one for Noah!

I love surprises like that when you open you email. If you have time, be sure to check out all the great giveaways on Frugal Mommy of 2 Girls's blog, they are great!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

More Ice Pictures

I know the song is cheesy, but it made me laugh! You can turn it off by clicking the megaphone looking button at the top!

Ice Drama!

Hello from the land of the frozen! Just a quick Ice Storm 2009 update: We lost our power yesterday from about 9 in the morning until around 6 last night. I am so thankful that it was not longer! God Bless the linemen who are working so hard to keep us all safe and warm in our homes! We headed up to moms because they had a generator but my little munchkin would not sleep and so around 9 I threw in the towel and headed home. We woke up this morning to power and HEAT, it was great. Our water was shut off around 11 due to minimal power at the water plants. My wonderful neighbor headed out and got us some bottled water for the time being. The water is on for now, it is being rationed until further notice and we are under a boil water advisory. I filled up the bathtub in case of another water shortage and we are ready for anything! I am running the dishwasher now to make sure all the sippy's are clean and we have plenty of paper plates, napkins and cups to last. I really don't cook so not being able to wash dishes is not a big deal here! I know that is what those who know me well are saying! I have some pictures, but I wanted to take a few more before I posted them.

No school again tomorrow! Zachary has only been once this week. They are taking some of the make up days away and we will now be in school until the end of May. We already have plans for the make up days so Zachary will be missing them anyway. We are heading to SUNNY CALIFORNIA! The possibility of moving there to recruit looks favorable and let me tell you, after this week, count me in! My mother-on-law said it was 72 and sunny today. I am jealous! I will be posting the pictures later tonight. I want my husband to see what he is missing here, being stuck in the house with all of us.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Pictures for Daddy

We miss daddy!

Cesar has been gone two weeks and 2 days now and you would think he has been gone for a year. It is miserable here with out him. Zachary needs someone to wrestle with and so does Isaiah. I need someone to talk to and cuddle with, the body pillow just isn't cutting it. I took some pictures today of the boys for him to see. Zachary is of course doing his new favorite thing, playing the DS and Isaiah is getting into everything. Isaiah loves to throw the balls behind the tv and then get under the tv to get them out. He usually hits his head, cries, and then does it again. He found the hand pump to blow up his ball put and tried to do it himself today. He watches everything! He climbs up the slide, slides down backwards, he is a mess!

The pictures are for you daddy, we miss you bunches!

The broken lamp


We lovingly call Isaiah, Mr. Destructo. Here are a few pictures of why we do. The other day, he threw a ball at the lamp in the living room and broke it. He did say, "uh oh" right after. Now that the lamp has been removed from the table, he now climbs on the table and turns the light switches on and off! I don't know what I am going to do with him!

Ice Pictures!

Ice, Ice and more Ice!

This morning we woke up to 3 inches of ice on the ground this morning and no school. It covered everything! We stayed in the house all day and hung out in our pajamas. I like some days like this but with Cesar gone, I think I might pull my hair out! They have already closed school tomorrow, pray for me!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Noah's Second Pictures!

Update on Noah!

Went to the doctor today and the placenta has moved! This is a good thing, and means we can go ahead with plannin on a vaginal birth! Right now they say he is in the breech position, but that he has plenty of time to turn head down. We will be having a talk, I DO NOT want to have a C-section. I really don't have the time for one with Isaiah waiting for me at home! I had some more pictures, so enjoy!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Prayers and good thoughts please!

As many of you know Cesar is away at recruiting school in SC. I am a total believer in the power of prayer so I am asking for yours. Please pray that we get an assignment while he is there. The not knowing what is going to happen is hard on us both, but more so on him. We would LOVE for this assignment to come soon, so that wherever we have to go, we can get there BEFORE Noah makes his grand entrance into the world. He should return on the 27th of February, in plenty of time for the baby!

Like father, like son!

The other day, before Cesar left, we headed to Louisville to go to Sams. I am driving, like always. I look back and my little boy is fast asleep. He looks so sweet. I then look over and my husband is also fast asleep! For those of you who know him well, this will come as no surprise! I thought these pictures were cute!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Zachary's 2nd Report Card

WOW! I have been blessed with one smart little boy! I am so thankful that he loves school and learning and does so well. It seems to come very natural for him. He got his 2nd report card on Friday and he got mostly E's! He got a couple of S's and one MP in writing. My mom says she will send his teacher a sample of my dad's writing and maybe the teacher will understand where Zachary gets it! He has mastered all 500 2nd grade sight words, he is only in 1st grade, and his reading computer score was 3.08! His math computer score was 3.36, both of these are the 3rd grade level! I only hope he continues to be challenged. Today he came home with the super star student award. We are SO proud of him!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Not my best day

My husband left today for 6 weeks! This is not the first time he has been gone, nor will it be the last I am sure. This is what I married into when I married a soldier. That doesn't mean that it doesn't stink! It was a lot harder on me today than it has been in the past. I am not sure if it is hormonal or what. I will be posting a lot more with a lot of pictures for him to see while he is gone.

If you are reading this tonight my love know that you are missed already. Be sure to check back tomorrow for pictures of your boys! Love you

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Isaiah's new toy!

Present from Grandma

For Christmas Grandma got Isaiah a blow up ball pit with a football goal post on it. It is the cutest thing and we finally blew it up yesterday. It took him all of 5 minutes to have it upside down and climbing on it backwards! He is such a destructive little thing! He loves it to say the least. I wanted to post some pictures of him playing with it for Grandma and Papa to see!

Daddy's Birthday Pictures!

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Today my wonderful husband turns yet another year older. We had a pretty uneventful day. He took Pancho to the vet, where we learned we are feeding him WAY to much. Then we ran to Sams to stock up on some stuff since he is leaving on Sunday for 6 weeks. I love birthdays. That actually might be an understatement. I love that there in one whole day that is yours alone, to do whatever you like. I try to make all the boys in my house feel special on their day. This morning when I woke Z up for school he ran in and first thing, told his daddy Happy Birthday. When the little monster woke up we gave Cesar a dog that had a recordable chip in it with the boys telling him they loved him. It is for him to take with him to Ft. Jackson. The boys got little ones that match to keep here while he is gone. I gave him a watch to replace the one that just broke, a picture key chain to have the boys close while he is gone, and a Nintendo DS to match Z's. He was really excited and it was so nice to see. Cesar works so hard for us everyday. He goes to a civilian job that he hates just to make sure we are provided for. Most people would say that is his responsibility and to a point it is, but there are many men out there who do not take care of their responsibilities and I am blessed to be married to one that does. He said to me today that he didn't think he deserved the presents, he couldn't be more wrong! He deserves that and much more! He is an amazing husband and father and I thank God everyday we were in the same place at the same time a few years ago.

Happy Birthday the love of my life! You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I thank God for you everyday!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Thanks Uncle Roman and Aunt Erin!

Isaiah loved the packing peanuts that came in Uncle Roman's and Aunt Erin's Christmas box!