Welcome to the Sanchez Family. We are a God loving, church going, unconditional loving, Army family of three wild and crazy boys and one 100 pound english bulldog, taking it one day at a time. I'm the mom, the only girl in the house, and the Queen. Hang on tight, it's sure to be a wild ride!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Disney Pictures

March pictures from California and Z's birthday

Dr. appointment and California update!

It has been a while since I have had a chance to update the blog. I had to wait until Cesar could set our computer up to be able to upload the pictures!

I went to the doctor on Thursday and everything still looks good. I really like the new doctor and we went and checked out the hospital and it looks nice too. They will give us a formal tour next Friday when I go back. I am already 2 cm dilated, but I stayed that way with Z for 2 weeks so I am not worried. I am sure I still have a little while.

We went to Disneyland yesterday and had a great time. It was really nice to be able to do something together before Zachary starts school. No stress, just a really nice family day.

The pictures are a mixture of the day before we left KY, Z's birthday, and some random shots of what we have been doing since we got here!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Chuck E. Cheese Pictures

Zachary's Birthday Party!

Today we had Zachary's 7th birthday party at Chuck E Cheese. It was crazy crowded there and of course the kids were out of control! They seemed to have a good time though. It was nice to be able to see everyone one last time until June when we will return to KY for a visit! I do beleive it will be my last party at Chuck's place, I am worn out and I thought having it somewhere else was supposed to be easier! I feel like someone beat me! I took some pictures of course! His actual birthday is Monday and my parents and sister will be down for lunch and to play for awhile, it will be the last time we will see them until June. It will be a bittersweet day for us. I of course included a picture of Bella and her latest bow! She is beautiful!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Pictures from March

Just catching up!

It seems like the time is flying around here. Only 6 more days until we fly! There is so much to be done. Cesar has only been home a little over a week and we have been so busy since he got home preparing to leave we haven't even had any time to relax together. The boys are thrilled that he is home. I was worried that Isaiah would forget who he was and not want anything to do with him, boy was I wrong! He has turned into a HUGE daddy's boy and mostly only wants him. I must admit, I was a little sad. Zachary has been a daddy's boy for a while now, and nothing has changed. They missed having someone to wrestle with, and I missed listening to the laughter that hap pend when they are playing together. All is well now!

We got the computer back and they were able to recover all the files that were lost! Praise God! I didn't realize how many pictures that I have on the computer. It is now backed up and I am sending all the photos to Walgeens to be stored and and copying them to disks. This will take a while but it will be well worth it!

We found a great housing program for military families that might fix the housing situation completely! This program will buy your house, pay off your mortgage completely, if you can not sell after 3 months and have been ordered to PCS! This will be such a huge blessing for us if all works out. We will not make any money off of it, but we will not lose as much as if we would have to wait for it to sell on our own. With this housing market, it could be a year before we sell. With the unpredictability of the Army, we have decided to rent in CA until we get a more permanent placement. We could still have to move 2 more times before Cesar's career is over and we don't want to be in the same situation that we are here. This is a huge blessing for us and proof that God answers prayers!

We went to see Bella Ann yesterday so that Zachary and Isaiah could meet her face to face. Zachary is so sweet with babies. He held her and loved on her and kissed her a few times, then it was off to the Wii! He and Bradley Dylan hadn't been able to play together for a while so it was nice for them. Brady was asleep the whole time we were there. :( Isaiah wanted to carry Bella around the room himself! It was a little scary at first. He sat in the chair and wanted me to put her in his lap. I did, for about a second and then he was done. I am scared for Noah! I dressed her up and posed her on the couch for a photo shoot. She is beautiful of course!

This is a little all over the place but I want to get this all down while I have the chance, Isaiah is napping and Z isn't home yet! Enjoy the pictures!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Bella's Pictures

Introducing Bella Ann!

My BEAUTIFUL niece, Bella Ann, was born Saturday at 11:40 am. She is absolutely breathtaking to look at. She weighed 7 pounds and was 18.5 inches long. I love her so much. She got to come home today, and her big brothers took to her right away. My mom says that Brady even tried to climb into the bassinet with her. We are heading up to Shelbyville tomorrow so she can meet her big cousins and I will have plenty of pictures from that! Enjoy these pictures of the diva! She is going to be so spolied! Cesar is thanking God we have all boys or he would be broke!

Friday, March 6, 2009

It's been awhile! (Long post)

Ok so it's been a few weeks since I last posted. A lot is going on here in the Sanchez household. We are gearing up for the big move to California on March 17th. There is a lot to prepare for an Army move. You must first go to a transportation briefing, then they schedule a date for the movers to come and then you are gone. We are waiting on a date, should have one after the briefing on Tuesday. The last day my OB wants me to travel is the 17th so the boys and I are heading out then. Cesar's dad will fly in on that Friday the 20th, help pack up the rest of the house, the things we need now, and then they will drive the Uhaul out on Monday the 23rd. The plan is for Cesar to make it to CA by the 26th which is when I have my first OB appointment out there. Zachary's new school is year round, and they happen to be on Spring Break until the 30th of March so he will get a few days to get settled before having to start school. We plan on heading to Disneyland on the 27th for a family fun day, I can't wait!

Before we leave we are doing a big birthday party for Z at Chuck E Cheese on the 14th! I can not believe he will be 7, where does the time go? We wanted to do something big right before we leave so we can get the chance to see everyone.

What we need now is a miracle, we need this house to sell ASAP. This is the worse time for that I know, but I am a believer! Please pray for a quick sell, I need it more than you know!

On top of all that, my computer crashed and I lost all my pictures. It is at a computer place trying to get them recovered. I am crossing my fingers. Not only did I loose a lot of pictures, Cesar lost almost all of his Army information. Things from the beginning of his career. It has been a little stressful here at the Sanchez house, but we are getting through it! I am not posting any pictures until we get a better back up drive. I refuse to store them on the laptop until Cesar assures me they will be fine. I will be a lot better about backing things up, that's for sure. I am so glad I started this blog, at least I have a lot of pictures stored on here!

So, if you made it all the way to the end, I will keep updating you on the move. I will post some pictures of the party, and if you are free on the 14th, meet us at Chuck's place, we would love to see you before we leave!