I picked Zachary up from school on Tuesday and he came into the library with his classmate, Dakota. They came over to play with Isaiah and then we were walking out to leave. When we get outside and part ways Dakota hollers out "Bye, Zachy!" What, Zachy?! I look down and Zachary is grinning from ear to ear! He tells me, "I like Dakota a lot, like a girlfriend a lot." I am about to pass out at this time. He has a friend, Mikayla, that he has called his girlfriend for years, they are the same age and have played together a lot. I asked him about her and he says to me, "I think I am going to ditch her because I don't see her everyday and make Dakota my new girlfriend." I don't know if I should laugh or cry! He is changing so much everyday, I don't think I am ready for 6! In the class picture she is the one in the front row on the end in the red shirt. She is pretty cute!

Oh, and here is a picture of Isaiah and the Easter Bunny I forgot to upload last week!

I know the feeling! My 6th grader boy had some girls yelling at him in Walmart one night. I could have just D-I-E-D!!!
A girlfriend already NO NO NO!!!! Way to go Isaiah you did better on the bunny lap than Izzie!
Isaiah looks like he LOVES the Easter Bunny! Tell Zachary girlfriends are trouble!!
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