Welcome to the Sanchez Family. We are a God loving, church going, unconditional loving, Army family of three wild and crazy boys and one 100 pound english bulldog, taking it one day at a time. I'm the mom, the only girl in the house, and the Queen. Hang on tight, it's sure to be a wild ride!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I am a winner!!!!

Thanks Kelly so much for this great giveaway!!!  Super excitied to pick out a great necklace!!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day!

Thanks to all the hero's in my life, those who served recently..........
My Hero SFC Sanchez!

Uncle Phil

Brent and Josh

Uncle Clint

My little "brother" Zach!  couldn't be a prouder "sister"

My lifelong friend!  I am so honored to know you!

And those who served long ago.......

my granddaddy

my pawpaw

My children couldn't have better role models to look up to!  Thanks to all the military men and women past and present.  A special thanks to the 101st guys who are now family to me!  

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Check out this great giveaway on my friends blog!

Head over to my friend Kelly's blog and enter her giveaway for one of these great necklaces!  It has low entries right now so the chances of winning are great!

Be sure to tell her I sent you over.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

What an awesome weekend I had!!

I know this post is a little late but it's busy here at the Sanchez house!

This was THE weekend!  The one I have been looking forward too since my wonderful husband got me the tickets to see the Zac Brown Band!  It totally lived up to all my expectations and more!  How nice was it for Cesar and I to get back to being a couple and not just mommy and daddy.  We got to reconnect again and refresh.  It was much needed and very relaxing.  I am blessed to have wonderful in laws that will keep the kids for us and allow us this much needed couple time!

We started Saturday off with the LA NF walk!  Thanks to all who helped me raise my goal of $500!  It was a nice turnout for Team Joe Joe!  The Laker girls and the New York Jets kicker Nick Folk were there, signing autographs and taking pictures!

I am so proud of these boys!!  They walked a long way and were quite the troopers!  They are the best of friends!

It was the highlight of Z's day to meet the Laker Girls!

I love this boy!

This was a great moment for me!!  Nick Folk was at the walk and was signing autographs and taking pictures!!  I am a huge JETS fan and was super excited!  He has a family member with NF and does a lot to raise money for the LA chapter of the CTF!

After the walk the kids went home with Grandma and Papa, who drove all the way to LA just to get the boys!  I am so blessed to have them!

The view from our room

Universal City, we walked over for dinner.

For Dina!  She loves Lucy!

Then it was off to the Hollywood Bowl and the Zac Brown Band!  I didn't take a lot of pictures, I was too busy people watching and singing at the top of my lungs!  I love me some country music!

The next day we did some sightseeing in Hollywood and Rodeo Drive.  I wasn't on it in the camera department, shocking I know.  I was too busy enjoying the day with my husband to take a lot of pictures!  Here are a few I did take.  We also got to meet up with my brother in law for a drink and a snack since he works in Beverly Hills and was off while we were there.  It was perfect timing! 

I finally made it to Rodeo Drive!

The view from above the Hollywood Bowl!

It was a wonderful weekend, just what we needed to reconnect!  Already planning the next one in October, a week long cruise and then a weekend to see Jason Aldean!  I can't wait!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Check out these cute bathing suits for moms!

I have been on the search for a cute bathing suit for the summer that was modern, but not too modern!  After three kids I need a little a lot more coverage!  However I still want to look nice!  I was looking on FB and saw a giveaway for these bathing suits.  IF I don't win, I am sure I am going to order anyway but I am going to see if I can win one first!

Click here to shop for yourself!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I am not sure I have the words to express this but I am going to try!

I am sitting here at my computer today with tears in my eyes, but rest assured friends they are happy tears for sure!  As the sign above says GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME!!  I just received a phone call from my dear friend Sarah, you know her as Joe's mom, and it was incredible news!  Joe had an appointment with a surgeon today to discuss when they would need to do the surgery to remove the tumor that had doubled in size near his spine.  The surgeon did another MRI, with contrast this time, and this one showed NO GROWTH!!  Yes friends you read that right, NO GROWTH!!!  The first MRI was WRONG!!  I have had a few minutes to praise God and thank HIM for answering our prayers and I have come to the conclusion that the first MRI wasn't wrong but we prayed these tumors smaller!  You, me, all my church friends back in KY, all my blog friends, all my FB friends, my family and Joe's family, we all prayed those tumors smaller and it worked!! 

Yes, prayers were answered for sure!  I know Joe was nervous today about this appointment and I prayed for calmness for him and extra patience for Sarah to get through the day.  It worked, and I am beside myself with happiness for them!

Thanks to my awesome GOD there will be plenty more days at Disney with Z and Joe to hang out and have fun.

There will be more days for hot dogs and cotton candy together

There will be more school fundraisers together and bowling birthday parties to attend

So thank you from me, and Z.  He will not have to pray his heart out at night asking God to please not let his best friend have surgery.  We will continue to pray, Joe is not cured, nor are the hundreds of other kids that have NF.  I am asking you to please pray for a cure and also pray that at Joe's next check up in 6 months there continues to be no more growth.  The walk for NF in LA will be next Saturday and I am still asking for donations to help find a cure so please check out my page and donate, even if it's only $5.

Monday, May 9, 2011

My heart breaks for these brothers

Today I was reading here and the tears were streaming down my face.  I can not imagine how these two sweet babies will survive without a mom but they will have to.  I know I have always said that I would love a little girl, that I would probably die if I were to have anymore boys in this house.  Maybe, just maybe, God is telling me that more boys would be fine, that I could handle it fine.  I have a heavy heart after reading this story today and many more like it on her blog.  I am praying that God will reveal to me exactly what to do about this situation.  I feel like HE is calling me to do something, I am just not sure what yet. 

So would you please pray with me?  Pray that God reveals HIS awesome plan to me and pray for these two innocent boys and the millions like him that are living alone on the streets tonight.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


It's been a busy baseball season here in the Sanchez house.  Zachary has practice or a game every night during the week.  It makes for busy nights in our house.  I don't attend a lot of games, they mostly are at 7:30 and my other two are in bed.  I do go to the 5:30 ones and occasionally my wonderful mother in law comes to keep the little ones so I can go to the other ones.  I am so blessed that Cesar is such a huge part of Z's life.  He hasn't missed a game yet.  He is always out there coaching 3rd base cheering on the Braves.  Most days this means that he has to leave the house at 5 am in order to get all the things done at the office that enable him to be at Z's games.  It is a HUGE sacrifice, and one he makes with no complaints.  We grew up with baseball.  Mostly American Legion or the Reds.  I have the best memories of heading to the park with Granddaddy and watching a game, well watching the boys that were playing the game.  I am so glad that Zachary is carrying on the baseball tradition and soon Isaiah will be too. I know that it makes my Granddaddy swell up with pride in Heaven watching his great grandchildren playing is favorite sport!

Because of chasing the two little monsters, angels, above I don't have a lot of pictures.  I will be making up for that at the next game.  I am going alone!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Conflicted thoughts

I am always proud to be an army wife.  I am proud of my husband and the job he does.  I have never felt emotions like I felt that early morning in September 2006 when the 101st 3rd Brigade Combat team entered that hanger, not even at the birth of my children.  My children know there daddy is an American soldier.  Zachary understands it more than the little ones, but they all know what that uniform means.  Yesterday after I received the call from my father in law that they had killed bin Laden I think I was numb for awhile.  I went upstairs and told my husband, we turned on CNN, and I saw that look in his eyes and it shook me to my core.  I know that now my husband's job is a recruiter.  That means long hours and stressful days but it also means that he will be in my bed at night.  It is a trade off I will gladly accept on most days.  I also know that his first job is in combat arms, and I also know that it is a job he loves.  We are less than one year away from completing this recruiting mission and now comes the time to decide what we would like to do next in the army.  That could mean extending, moving to another unit, going back active duty, or many other things.  I was, up until last night, ok with going back active duty.  I have now changed my mind.  I will take the long hours and stressful days now for sure.  I also know that Cesar needs to do what he loves and that might mean another deployment, a move or a combination of both.  I will follow my soldier anywhere.

I have been thinking long and hard about what to tell my kids about this day.  The little ones are too young to understand and Zachary is too young to know what happened September 11, 2001.  I feel that it is important to record this event for them.  They have a daddy who fought in this war and numerous "uncles" who have too.  I want them to know that it was for a good cause.  I want them to also know that revenge is not what we are taught in the Bible but that is what happened on this day.  I want them to know that Osama bin Laden was a terrible man who hurt thousands of people and that he got his just reward when he was shot in the head.  It is a thin line I am walking here.  There are two verses in the Bible that have come to mind in light of this historic day.  They are both very different and I am not enough of a Bible scholar to know which one is appropriate.  Proverbs 11:10 says "When it goeth well with the righteous, the city rejoiceth; and then the wicked perish [there is] shouting".  Proverbs 24:17 says "Do not rejoice when your enemy falls.  Do not let your heart be glad".  I want my children to be proud of this moment.  I want them to be proud their daddy had a hand in this while he was there.  I do not want them thinking that killing people is right, or that revenge is the way to go.  What do I say?  I am still thinking about that.  I am conflicted about it myself.  The celebrations in the streets sickens me in a way.  A huge part of me thinks that celebrating the death of a man is wrong.  Another part of me is relieved that he is dead and my children will not grow up in a world terrorized my bin Laden anymore.  This has been rough for me.
I will do some more thinking of what to tell the kids and how to make sure that, when they are old enough, they will understand what an important day this was in American history.  Any thoughts?