Welcome to the Sanchez Family. We are a God loving, church going, unconditional loving, Army family of three wild and crazy boys and one 100 pound english bulldog, taking it one day at a time. I'm the mom, the only girl in the house, and the Queen. Hang on tight, it's sure to be a wild ride!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Operation: Take Christmas Back!

I was checking in on one of the other blogs that I read and came across this WONDERFUL idea! This mommy is going to Take Christmas Back and has asked us all to join her. I think this is a great idea and one that my family will be participating in for sure. It is so important to teach your children about the real reason for Christmas, not just the presents and lights and such. I will be adding her button to my sidebar if you would like to check it out and join in. If you do, let me know your ideas too!

I hope to be able to teach the boys the real meaning and have that stick with them forever.

Her blog is www.poppyjoy.blogspot.com if you would like to read her inspiring story of love, loss and a starting over.

Take Christmas Back

Take Christmas Back

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