I am a few days late with this post, but as they say, better late than never!
On the 13th Isaiah turned 15 months! WOW! Time flies when you are chasing a toddler. He has changed so much and is in to so many things. We went for a well check and he weighs 25 pounds, he lost some, and is 31 inches long. Both of those are in the 50% on the charts. His head is 19 inches, in the 75% on the charts. Like Jodie said, big head=big brain! He is behind in his talking but way ahead in his motor and social development so Dr. A said that something has to lose, and for Isaiah it is his talking. He can communicate, he will let you know exactly what he wants, just not with words yet. He is WAY to busy to talk. He does say momma, dadda, bubba and uh-oh. He will make the noise for dog, but usually only if you beg him to. He is to busy.
Some of his motor skills include, climbing onto the couch, jumping off his little chair, climbing onto the kitchen table, opening the dog gate and yelling and pointing at the dogs, dancing in front of the tv, opening all the cabinets and drawers in the kitchen and dragging out all the pots and pans and utensils, getting into your purse, backpack, or daddy's workout bag, pulling bubba's backpack on wheels all over the kitchen, pretty much whatever he is not supposed to be into to, he is, all day long! I am so lucky he is ahead in motor skills, it keeps me skinny for this pregnancy!
Happy 15 months Isaiah, we love you so much and can't wait to see what the next 3 months bring us!
I will post pictures later, it won't let me upload them now, so be sure to check back!