Welcome to the Sanchez Family. We are a God loving, church going, unconditional loving, Army family of three wild and crazy boys and one 100 pound english bulldog, taking it one day at a time. I'm the mom, the only girl in the house, and the Queen. Hang on tight, it's sure to be a wild ride!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

And he shall be called.....


We haven't decided on a middle name yet. We are debating on Edward, Cesar's middle name, and Raphael, Cesar's grandfather's name.

This is the bedding we have picked out for his room:


These links never work for me. It's from the Pottery Barn and it's the monkeys!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Newest Sanchez Star!!

It's a......


I will post more later with pictures!! He is perfectly healthy and everything looks great!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Operation: Take Christmas Back!

I was checking in on one of the other blogs that I read and came across this WONDERFUL idea! This mommy is going to Take Christmas Back and has asked us all to join her. I think this is a great idea and one that my family will be participating in for sure. It is so important to teach your children about the real reason for Christmas, not just the presents and lights and such. I will be adding her button to my sidebar if you would like to check it out and join in. If you do, let me know your ideas too!

I hope to be able to teach the boys the real meaning and have that stick with them forever.

Her blog is www.poppyjoy.blogspot.com if you would like to read her inspiring story of love, loss and a starting over.

Take Christmas Back

Take Christmas Back

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Look at this neat store!

I got Isaiah the cutest shirt from this Etsy store with a gift certificate that I won on Frugal Mommy of 2 girls! She makes the cutest origianl shirts for holidays. It is so hard to find cute holiday shirts for little boys and this one is perfect. I will be visiting her again and again for Isaiah and the new baby! I am also going to see if she can make me matching big brother shirts for when this new one arrives! The prices are great too! Be sure and visit her store and look around! She was super easy to work with and my shirt is already on it's way!


CoCoJ 126 is the name of the store, I can never get these links to come out right!

Happy 15 Months Isaiah!

I am a few days late with this post, but as they say, better late than never!

On the 13th Isaiah turned 15 months! WOW! Time flies when you are chasing a toddler. He has changed so much and is in to so many things. We went for a well check and he weighs 25 pounds, he lost some, and is 31 inches long. Both of those are in the 50% on the charts. His head is 19 inches, in the 75% on the charts. Like Jodie said, big head=big brain! He is behind in his talking but way ahead in his motor and social development so Dr. A said that something has to lose, and for Isaiah it is his talking. He can communicate, he will let you know exactly what he wants, just not with words yet. He is WAY to busy to talk. He does say momma, dadda, bubba and uh-oh. He will make the noise for dog, but usually only if you beg him to. He is to busy.

Some of his motor skills include, climbing onto the couch, jumping off his little chair, climbing onto the kitchen table, opening the dog gate and yelling and pointing at the dogs, dancing in front of the tv, opening all the cabinets and drawers in the kitchen and dragging out all the pots and pans and utensils, getting into your purse, backpack, or daddy's workout bag, pulling bubba's backpack on wheels all over the kitchen, pretty much whatever he is not supposed to be into to, he is, all day long! I am so lucky he is ahead in motor skills, it keeps me skinny for this pregnancy!

Happy 15 months Isaiah, we love you so much and can't wait to see what the next 3 months bring us!

I will post pictures later, it won't let me upload them now, so be sure to check back!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Look at this cute Etsy shop! I just won a $20 gift certificate from Frugal Mommy of 2 Girls! I got the truck and tree shirt for Isaiah to wear at Christmas.


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I love my soldier!

Funny, I have the same bumper sticker on my car as the title of my post. Well actually it's a magnet with desert boots. Today is a day that should be used to reflect on the sacrifice that so many men and women have made for this country. I must confess, until I married a soldier, this day wasn't something that I really thought about. Now it is something that I think about everyday, not just today. I think how blessed I am not to have to visit a grave to be with my husband. I think about how proud I am to be an Army wife and to have a husband that would die for this country. I think about how blessed my children are to have a real HERO living in their home, not one they only see on t.v. We went down to Ft. Campbell, home of the 101st Airborne, to attend a welcome home ceremony on Saturday. I was a lot calmer this time, my husband was with me! I was reminded of the men who would not be attending this ceremony, they were home with God instead of home with their family. They made the ultimate sacrifice for all of us. I was happy to see all the reunions, girlfriends, wives, husbands, children, and parents hugging their soldiers. I was thrilled to see my cousin reunite with her husband and for him to see his son after 6 months. Clint left when Michael was 10 days old and just saw him again Saturday. It was a blessed sight. I am glad that we have a day that we honor all those who serve this country and make it safer for us to live. Thanks to all of them who risk their lives for me.

17 weeks and 1 day

Just a quick update on the new addition. I went to the doctor today and we heard the heartbeat again. He said everything was fine and all my tests so far have come back normal. I scheduled the ultrasound for the 25th so then we will know if I need to start ordering dresses from Jodie! Of course I am praying for a healthy baby no matter what the sex, but I am really hoping for a girl! Think PINK for me for the next two weeks please!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Check out these neat dresses!

My friend Jodie, who has a little girl the same age as Isaiah is making thses adorable little dresses! Of course I have no little one to buy for yet, keep your fingers crossed, but many of you all have little girls!


Be sure to check it out!!