Welcome to the Sanchez Family. We are a God loving, church going, unconditional loving, Army family of three wild and crazy boys and one 100 pound english bulldog, taking it one day at a time. I'm the mom, the only girl in the house, and the Queen. Hang on tight, it's sure to be a wild ride!

Monday, June 30, 2008

Dead camera, busy week, little time for blogging!

My camera battery is dead and I have lost the charger. I am on a mission to replace it, hopefully today! I have missed a lot of "kodak" moments!

Cesar has been in ANOC school at Ft. McCoy WI for three weeks and he finally returned Wednesday night, to two thrilled boys! Mommy was pretty happy to see him too :)! He was off work Thursday-Sunday so we have been spending a lot of family time together. Zachary has been at soccer camp so we went to watch him on Thursday and then swimming at mom's, Friday after soccer Daddy and Zachary went to see Wall-E. Daddy wasn't to sure about it but Zachary loved it. Saturday Zachary had to go to Greg's so Erin(more on her later) and I went to get a pedicure and run some more errands while Daddy stayed home with Isaiah. Saturday night, Erin, Cesar and I all played the Wii and I beat them in bowling! Sunday we ran errands as a family and then just hung out the rest of the night.
Well, I finally got my little girl! Well, I got my girl, she just happens to be 15. Erin, who is like my own little girl has been going through some hard times. On Thursday she decided that she would like to live with us from now on. We are thrilled to have her. I couldn't love her anymore if she really were my own. So the end of the week has been busy with getting the guest room a little more teenage ready! That involves zebra bedding and lots of pictures of friends. Now I am the mom of a high schooler, an elementary schooler, and a toddler! Please pray for me!

As soon as I get a minute I will post the pictures that I did manage to take!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Check out my Slide Show!

Baby Show, Baseball and Birthdays!

This week was the Shelby County Fair and I put Isaiah in the baby show. I put Zachary in it 6 years ago and he won 1st place. Obviously the judges were smarter then! Isaiah didn't win, but as Zachary put it, he had already won in our family. Kelly also put Brady in it. Her husband was the driving force behind that one. Brady was so excited that he slept through the whole thing! He did however win most photogenic. We think we have the two cutest babies in Shelby County and we really didn't need any fair to tell us that! After the contest the kiddie rides were free and so we let the big boys ride for a little while.

That night we had a double header at the park! The Dodgers(Bradley Dylan) played first followed by the Yankees(Zachary). It was a great night, with great weather! PawPaw, Meamaw and Uncle Joe made it out to the game along with Aunt Mary. The boys always have such a big cheering section, it's great. We are truly blessed to be surrounded by family.

Today we had a Carnival birthday party to go to for Mikayla. She is Zachary's first girlfriend. It was a great time. There was a balloon maker and a face painter there. There were carnival games like a duck pond, ring toss and a bean bag game. They had a popcorn machine and a cotton candy maker! It was so much fun and the rain held off until the very end.

Zachary starts soccer camp tomorrow, bright and early at 9 am in Louisville. I will take pictures and post them tomorrow. I hope he likes it.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Check out my Slide Show!

It's a busy summer!

It seems like we are never home! We are always doing something. Today we were going to try out the splash park but it was overcast this morning. So we decided to meet at the zoo after lunch. It ended up being nice so we let the boys play for awhile. Brady loved it but Isaiah wasn't to sure! Of course the big boys had a great time. We are going to try again, this time in the morning for sure! It was a little to crowded for the little ones. We are hoping we can get a few more people to go with us, Jodie, Beth, Jessica, any takers?!

After that we headed to Shelbyville for a baseball game. Zachary had two great hits and a great catch. My Gran came out to see him along with the rest of his fan club. Michael even came and he had his eyes open! I was a camera freak today, I took 63 pictures! I promise I won't post them all!

Check out my Slide Show!

Kaleigh Kimelle

My friend Megan and her husband Paul had a beautiful baby girl Friday afternoon. She is so cute! It makes me want a girl so bad. The hair bows and the dresses, I could go on and on. I love my boys to death, but a girl would be nice too! Megan is saving some clothes for me just in case!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Check out my Slide Show!

Happy Father's Day to the world best Father!

Happy Father's Day to the love of my life! You are an amazing father and the boys and I are blessed to have you. You love your boys with an intensity that amazes me. You work so hard to provide for them, even when you don't want to. You never miss Zachary's ballgames, and you are so supportive of him. You ask about them all the time and you love them with everything that you have. I love you and the boys do too! Thank you for all you do for them. You were made to be a daddy!

Check out my Slide Show!

Weekend Update!

We had a pretty busy weekend! After our playdate with Izzie and Jodie we had to go to Babies R Us to get Isaiah a Laugh and Learn Piano. He loved playing with Izzie's so I had to get him one of his own. While we were there I looked at the Laugh and Learn activity table. I had a coupon for 15% off of both so I got them! I got them out of the box this morning and he loves them!

Today we went to visit a friend who just had a baby. Megan had a little girl, Kayleigh and she is a doll! I would love to have a little girl, all the pink and hairbows! Maybe one day!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Check out my Slide Show!

Play date with Izzie!

We finally had a play date with Miss Izzie Grace! It has been a long time coming! Jodie and Izzie came to the visitation Tuesday and I finally got to see her for the first time, besides on the computer! :) The babies are only 11 days apart, with Izzie being older. They were trying to get each other's paci's and sippy's all afternoon. We tried to keep them from sharing but we eventually gave up. I don't think it will hurt them! They had a great time with all the toys and especially the puffs. It was nice to catch up with Jodie and hang out with the babies! I can't wait to do it again.

Happy 10 months Isaiah!

Wow how time flies! It seems like I was just posting about 9 months! Isaiah is the best little boy in the world! He loves to laugh and play and he thinks his big brother is the best thing in the world. He is glad it is summer and Zachary is home all day long.

Some new things he is doing at 10 months:

*loves music and dances along
*says doggie
*tries to say Zach
*stands at the gate at the top of the stairs and yells for brother
*says bu-bu for brother
*stands on his own for a few seconds
*loves to swim
*has a temper
*likes to talk on the phone
*looks for people when you say their name
*loves table food, there is not much he won't eat

I am sure there is more but this is all I can think of for now! I love having boys, they are so much fun! I love you Cesar Isaiah!

Check out my Slide Show!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday Brady Lee!

With all the stuff going on lately I forgot to post about Brady Lee's first birthday! We had a great time at the pool swimming and eating cake and ice cream. Brady Lee is such a funny little boy. He has great faces, and he is the fastest crawler I have ever seen. He is almost always happy and laughs out loud all the time! I took lots of pictures! Enjoy!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Funeral Arrangements

The funeral arrangements are as follows

Tuesday from 11-8 at Shelby Christian Church

Wednesday at 10:30 also at Shelby Christian Church

Any food that you wish to provide the family with needs to go to my grandmothers house at 209 Shoreline Drive, Shouth Shores Subdv.

Please continue to keep my entire family in your prayers, especially my Gran!

Sunday, June 8, 2008


We lost Granddaddy tonight at about 10:40pm. He died peacefully in his sleep and is now, dancing a jig on the golden streets of Heaven. We are sad but we cry for ourselves, not for him. He is in a much better place. Thanks for all your prayers during this difficult time. I am not sure of the arrangements yet but I will post them soon.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

My Granddaddy

This will be the hardest post I have ever written. Tears are falling down my face even as I type. My granddaddy is my hero. He is the strongest man I have ever met. He is honest, upstanding, and near perfect. Well in my eyes he IS perfect. He is 86 years old and is now entering the final stages of life. He fell Tuesday night and hit his head at home. We took him to the hospital and then we found out that he had pneumonia. It has not gotten any better since then. Today we made the hard decision to call in Hospice and prepare for his journey home. They have moved him to ICU in Shelbyville and now we are waiting for a bed to open up at the Hospice unit in LaGrange. Please pray for my family at this time. We are losing an amazing person, but Heaven is gaining him.

I want to give you all an insight on my granddaddy. Some people know him as Bobby, Mr. Stratton, Coach Stratton, Judge Stratton, Daddy, or Robert J(that what's Gran calls him). There are 7 of us that know him as Granddaddy and we are the ones who got the best side of him. You always wanted to ride home from Church with Granddaddy, he always needed to stop at JT's for a loaf of bread. Well you always got to pick out any candy that you wanted and eat it before lunch! He loved to dress up for us, masks, pig slippers, false faces. He could always make us laugh. He liked to pretend he could stretch his arms, the great grandchildren loved this trick! He always had a story to tell, chicken glasses, Bagdad ballpark, Pookie Plater. He loved his ice cream before bed and he shared with us willingly. He loved to be at the ballpark. When I had Zachary he was always asking which hand he was going to throw with. He was saving him a glove from Stratton Sporting Goods. We were truly blessed. He got to see three of his grandchildren get married. He got to see 5 great-grandsons born and he knew he had one more on the way. He had 86 amazing years and even though this is hard, I know I have been blessed. I love you Granddaddy!