Welcome to the Sanchez Family. We are a God loving, church going, unconditional loving, Army family of three wild and crazy boys and one 100 pound english bulldog, taking it one day at a time. I'm the mom, the only girl in the house, and the Queen. Hang on tight, it's sure to be a wild ride!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

This is why I blog......

Cesar Isaiah Sanchez

You can not leave this boy alone for 5 seconds without all heck breaking loose!  I am alone most nights with the boys and bed and bath are a little challenging.  So tonight I need to put Noah to bed and I leave Isaiah in the playroom/kitchen with Zachary.  Now putting Noah to bed consists of walking up the stairs and laying him in his crib, 2 minutes tops. 

I come back down the stairs to this.....

I guess he was thirsty and just couldn't wait 2 minutes.  Not surprising, not surprising at all!  How can you resist this face.....

I can't and that is half the problem here in the Sanchez house!!


Anonymous said...

I just love this fellow.

Ann from TrainPetDog.com Dog Supplies said...

Your three boys are so lovely! But boys are boys. I've realized that a girl is far more behave than a boy. But I guess it's all right. They go through stages and time will come they'll know how to behave. They're just experiencing curiosity for the mean t