I am reminded when I get an invitation to an even I can not attend back in KY what I am missing.

Being an Army wife means moving, sometimes far away from where you grew up and far away from your friends and family. This is the case for me. I love being out here, so much I would stay if it came to that. I have friends out here and family out here that I love. I am blessed that I get the opportunity to fly back to KY to visit at least twice a year. That being said when one of your oldest friends, read little sister, is getting married and you get an invitation to a Stock the Bar party at a GREAT place in KY and you know you can not attend, it makes me a little sad. I love this family so much. They lived down the street from us growing up and they were my second family for sure. Heather is like another little sister to me and when she called to tell me she was getting married I couldn't have been happier for her. I am so excited to be in this wedding and to fly back to KY in July for a weekend of parties and happiness, but today I am a little sad I will not be celebrating at the Stock the Bar party, at least not in body, but I will be there in spirit!!!